Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Michal Kleofas Oginski - Polonaise "Farewell to the Homeland"

Michal Kleofas Ogiñski (born October 7, 1765, Guzów near Warsaw - died October 10, 1833, Florence, Italy) was both Belarusian and Polish statesman, rebel, composer, most known for his polonaise Po¿egnanie Ojczyzny / Farewell to the Homeland.
Ambassador, composer, the General Paymaster of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
He was born in Guzów near Warsaw. Graduated at home. Was good at music and foreign languages especially.


daijoji said...

Hi dear Natalie, I like this Polonaise very much and always dream to dance it with my love on some unforgotten ball :-) I'm leaving a littlebit later than I thought, and your departure is close, I guess. Sending big hugs! :-)

Fram Actual said...

Everyone seems to be assisting me to complete my music education, Natalie.

This is beautiful music, accompanied by nice camera work. Now, I will have to find a video which demonstrates the actual dance. If you run across one, let me know, please.

Natalie said...

So dance you will, Fram!
there is a first time for everything!

Fram Actual said...

I'll bet I could learn how to do that, Natalie, but I'd constantly be worried about my hat falling off. It would be interesting to watch the dance from a view above looking down on the dancers.

Thank you, for finding it and for posting it.

A Cuban In London said...

Beautiful music, Nats! Many thanks.

Greetings from London.

Christophe said...

Bonjour Natalie,
"Farewell to the Homeland":

(Les chanteurs Russes - langue polonaise). C'est magnifique!

Kind Regards