Friday, February 25, 2011

Community – Communication – Forgotten Means of Getting in Touch

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…..just one more thing: stop Facebooking! By doing that you create your own dossier and make the fbi’s job so much easier….


Fram Actual said...

You wish to have no comments, so I will say nothing other than it is nice to see you out and about once again, Natalie ....

Natalie said...

I have plenty of comments, Fram. I dare not to post them…

Bitch said...

Finally I found someone who is not only a poetess herself,
but writes also very beautiful poetry.
I’ve heard your poem “departure” and I feel like waking up in another
So clear (for the reader) and romantic!!
A beautiful poem and a beautiful poetess!!!!

Greetings from Athens

Fram Actual said...

Time for you to post again ....