Tuesday, July 7, 2009

“Late Night Departure”

…We sit on the floor,
The room is dark and weary,
I lit up a cigarette
And place between your lips…

So much to explain, to say
But talk we’d rather not…
This room will hold my scent
Long after I am gone…

I decode your thoughts
In your kind grey eyes –
How trivial uttering words
When the two can read each other’s mind…

In silence you gaze
Memorizing my face…
Am still amused and I smile -
How easy to read your mind!…

One thought made me quiver with pain,
“Will I ever see him one more time?”
“Will I ever touch her again?” –
Your thought is echoing mine…
The room is dark and weary…
Between your face and mine
A cloudy, smoky veil,
In this haze we’re slowly drifting apart…
August 1980


Fram Actual said...

It would be interesting to know the story behind the poem, Natalie. You wrote this in 1980, apparently in your native language, and translate it now. Whoever he was, he must still be on your mind from time to time. I think your poem reflects a universal feeling.

I hope you will recite this sometime, too.

I also see Natalie and her furry friend and, through the window, note the sunset. It appears to be a great view.

Natalie said...

Thank you, Fram,
Nothing escapes you!
– The furry friend is my neighbor’s cat I babysit from time to time, he’s mean and fat, but I love him…

A Cuban In London said...

Beautiful poem and like Fram, I would be very keen to know more about the source ;-).

Greetings from London.

Yoli said...

Natalie that is beautiful. You are such a rounded person, so talented.